Saturday, December 23, 2006

the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

" hopes that St.Nicholas soon would be there...!!

I am so excited for Christmas...! I really really think that DH went out and bought me a Rebel for Christmas...!!! Here is a photo of the box under the tree for me *giggle*...if it isn't a Rebel, it is probably an equally impressive camera...LOL...I am so giddy looking at it...of course my spirits might take a beating if I rip it open Christmas morning and it isnt my camera....after all my spy work, evidence collecting...if it isn't the Rebel then Dan really put on a good show for me and had me going! lol

So more sleeps for that baby lol....

*crossing fingers* lol

In other wonderful news...head over to Savvy N Sassy and check out the newest ribbon kit up... our first kit sold out really hurry and pick up this beautiful pink set by clicking here...!

If I don't talk to you all personally, let me take this time to wish everyone a fun, happy and joyous Christmas and allth best for 2007!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
