Saturday, September 30, 2006

things you never really wanted to

i went to a crop today -- i tell ya it is *hard* for me to pack a few things and go scrap somewhere other than my scrapbook room!!! But I managed to get four layouts done -- which is an unusually long time for me! But oh well four layouts is better than none!
i should really be in bed right now cuz i am exhausted but i sit at my computer waiting for something exciting to happen...i don't think that is going to happen soooo i decided to post in my blog

anyway here are some random facts that you really probably don't need to know but if you are reading are curious! *and* if you are reading this consider yourself TAGGED - I wanna see your answers in your blog!! Let me know when you have yours up...!!!

Have You Ever...

Worn braces? I sure did...and I am grateful for it because I get comments on how straight my teeth are lol
Broken a bone? I don't think so...oh wait, my finger once...
Had stitches? Yes...ouch I fainted at a bank in the middle of summer and cut open the back of my head...yes my freezing for those stitches...I remember the ambulance came to get me and I was crying saying "You aren't going to cut my hair are you??" lol..yes the big hair
Gone SCUBA diving? ummm NO! I can't even swim!!
Been stung by a bee? Yes I have...and surprisingly I am not allergic to them!!! I know some of you are shocked lol...
Thrown up in public? Does a party count? lol I remember hanging my head out a second story window and puking on someones roof when I was younger..
Been to overnight camp? As a child no, as an adult yes...just went in May with my daughters class
Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yeah but he never listened...who came up with the naughty and nice rule anyway???
Been sent to the principal's office? who me?? lol..*snicker* uh yeah...

Who/What was the last...

Person to call you? my daughter...asking me about thrush??? thinks my neice has it and was concerned and i guess she thinks i know all about it lol...
Last person you hugged? my hubby as soon as I got home from the crop
Thing you touched (before your keyboard!!)? I scratched my
Thing you ate? um...chocolate..yes chocolate...caramel filled chocolate goodness lol
Thing you said? good night sweetie (hubby went to bed)
Website you visited (before this one !!) yahoo mail


Anonymous said...

Well, you sure tricked me into that one.... lol. But I'm done. :) Can't wait to see the pages you made!

K G said...

I am done!!! LOL