Friday, September 15, 2006

She wierd...

Okay so got a blog challenge thrown at post five *wierd* things about me.
I know.
It's hard to imagine *one* wierd thing about me much less five of them...!
people who know me don't call it "wierd" they call it "share" lol

1. I am a hypochondriac. I believe each week I have a new illness - usually the disease or illness I had last week is gone and I am now focused on a new one...with the exception of my heart...I cannot stand to feel my heart beating. There must be some sort of phobia name for this...I guess cuz heart disease runs in my family I am paranoid about having heart disease some day.

2. I have a wild sense of humor and I have humbly taken on the challenge of making every guy I know blush. The guys at work have made me a sign for my desk which says "Hootie's Bootie Party Station...Captain of the Fun Squad...turning the work day into play day..."

3. At work, I am well known as being "anally organized" and I mentor new staff on the proper way to do case management. However, once 5:00 comes, I leave work behind..and I leave my organizational skills behind...I am so not organized at home!!!

4. When I was 19 years old I got a tattoo of a heart and two stars on my left ankle. I did not know I was almost two months pregnant. When my daughter was born, her birthmark was a perfect circle in the exact same spot I had gotten my tattoo while pregnant with her.

5. If I were to choose my job in my next life I would be a dominatrix. *lol*


Okay so there you have it.
i think i could have easily made it ten but my mind was getting out of control there.

So anyway! If you are interested in some cropping challenges this weekend there are two online crops going on -- it's Scrapbookers Clubhouse's SECOND birthday!! So what better way to celebrate than with a party!!

Also, the new design team at Timeless Inspirations is hosting their first crop with a fall theme - come join us!

Both crops have prizes, challenges, games...!!

oh and I have to say.....................WAY TO REPRESENT CANADA LUKAS!!!


Anonymous said...

You crack me up girl!!!!!!! Loved reading these!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I didn't think you were really going to stop at 5! LOL


Anonymous said...

you to!!!! I've got my spurs, my paddle and leather face mask....