Sunday, August 13, 2006

she who gets....hypnotized....

okay so yesterday...yesterday I am at the yearly fair and there's a hypnotist...Tyzen......lolol... you know where this story is heading...omgosh i am DYING here...DYING.... I got myself hypnotized and it is allllllllllllll on DVD OMG OMG what a bizarre feeling and OMG I am so embarassed thinking about it!

First off, I only went up cuz no one was volunteering and the people around me were pointing and yelling for me to go up so being a sport I went up FULLY thinking I would not be able to get hypnotized! Yanno social worker...strong knowledge of how the subconcious mind works lol...I am a STRONG woman, I can fight this...WELL...was I What a wierd wierd feeling...I was fully aware of my surroundings but could not help but to do what he told me to do!

First test was that my hands were clenched together and glued shut...thats the test to see if people could get hypnotized...uh yeah I couldnt pull those babies apart! Next...I was a rock star...yep I was playing the drums and I WAS THE BOMB! Why was I the bomb? Apprantly I said cuz "I am the sexiest mother out there" he thought I was gonna say mother F*&%$# and took the mic away from me ROTFL....

After that it kinda gets blurry but I was an astronaut on a spaceship...made friends with an alien, had the dog from the Jetsons hop on my spaceship and well...the ship crashed and everyone was blaming everyone else....apparanly I was blaming three guys on stage cuz they weren't watching what they were doing because they smuggled on board some adult videos and were busy (HA HA HA) Um...what else....oh yes he said when he turned around we would all think the backside of his outfit was gone - nekkid...yeah so i am laughing hysterically at the hypnotist...and then he goes to the people on stage "in one word can you sum up the show tongiht?" and well you gals know me...I said "WELL HUNG" too frickin funny....

I dunno what else happened - gotta watch the DVD tomorrow - but the grand finale...omgosh he had me pretending to be ELVIS and I guess I was dancing like Elvis...and he asked where I had been hiding all these years and I said "McDonalds" ROTFLMBO - yeah way to go Share to look like your a fat pig who enjoys McDonalds food lol.......then he gave me a guitar and I was doing this guitar solo as Elvis and he said "WIDE AWAKE" snap snap and there I am on one bended knee in front of 200 people so embarassed lol Yeah it was just WIERD I tell ya.... I cant even explain the feeling....but yeah I might have to figure out how to post some clips of it online *snicker* If only it wasnt ME up there on stage, I would have the perfect blackmail material on someone lolol...

Anyway, that there photo up there...thats Tyzen...hes kinda a -- strangly though I really have to say today...I feel kinda violated lol....

eta...blogger is not letting me upload photo will edit later!


Anonymous said...

OMGosh girl!!! That is freaking hilareous!!!!!

Trish- Advocare Advisor said...

I love this story! I so need a copy of the video!!