Monday, September 11, 2006

She who...rocked Scrapfest!!!

Whooo hooo ~ what an awesome weekend at Scrapfest! Seriously, you girls have got to plan to come next year if it is at all is the ultimate girls getaway!!

We arrived Friday, ate dinner at "The Outback" - gotta love those bloomin' onions!! So yeah at the Outback my friend Susan totally cracked me up - as usual...gotta love her...her outgoing swankyness got us a free piece of cheesecake, a drink and we met....

Scuba Steve.

Yeah no joke Scuba story but the guy was get this...not only a waiter at the Outback at his young age of 38 but he also has raced cars, has been a BMX racing champion, is a dentist (or maybe almost a dentist I dunno...) and he is *also* a stand up comedian - yeah he is just so talented isnt he??? But tell me...why if you are so successful are you a waiter at the Outback?? *scratching head* lol must be to meet chicks HA HA

Anyway on to Scrapfest lol...

I took some awesome classes...Tim Holtz' was always a hoot to take a class with...Jules...gotta love that girl - she has the HUGEST crush on him *giggle* As Tim walked by our table she says under her breath

"oh my gawd girls...Tim just walked by me..." lol then when we got our photo taken she said "oh my gawd girls...Tim just called me his monkey" ROTFLMBO

Okay the BEST classes to take if you can...K & Co classes - HELLO! They give you a ton of free stuff in their classes!!! Tim's wasnt too shabby either but K&Co you get so much more than a $20 value! I have to say though...Bo Bunny...a little disappointed....loved the concept and idea but so not worth the $20 and no gifts to take with you - bummer...

Anyhooooooooo here are a few photos!!! That Tim is sure a cutie lol....oh and yeah as luck would have it we caught wind of the Michaels grand opening in Duluth...that totally rocked!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time!!!

Judy B

Anonymous said...

Look at you hotties!!!!!! One of these years if/when we ever move back to Minnesota.... I will so be there!!!

Anonymous said...

Omg, sounds like so much fun!!